It may not have been written so blatantly or directly before. But the idea that JWs should be obedient to the GB is really nothing new. Sadly, most of them won't even bat an eye.
keyser soze
JoinedPosts by keyser soze
Wow more heavy artillery propaganda from the 11/14 WT!!!!!
by BU2B inevery paragraph and every article in this issue is nonstop heavy artillery fire propaganda.
i have never seen a wt so full of logical fallacies, appeals to emotion, appeals to authority, guilt tripping and bite techniques all in one issue!
paragraph 9 states clearly that even though the gb is imperfect, that does not matter, we must obey them anyways.
Are we nitpicking???
by jam injw's walk like this, they eat this way, they look like this,.
they have sex this way (lol), they talk this way and etc.. are we excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential.
keyser soze
I've actually thought about this. But as was said before, I think it's mostly just venting on people's part.
I think there are people on this forum who will find a way to blame the WT for every evil under the sun. And I usually just roll my eyes when people dig up WT articles from 50 years ago, as if they've discovered some golden nugget that's going to expose them.
The Watchtower 11/15/2014
by wifibandit in
select "premium download".
(thanks breakfast of champions).
keyser soze exactly did that letter get there?
It's all thanks to this guy:
Why is the world full of ATHEISTS?
by exWTslave inbible describes atheism as a condition of the heart and is all about seeking what is ephemeral, not acting with insight.
(psalm 14:1, 2) thus it rightly says the whole world is lying in the attraction of what is ephemeral.
(wicked one is not a correct translation.1 john 5:19) thus even believers who pray to god (for material blessings) are actually atheists as they are not trying to be poor in spirit.
keyser soze
Yes those evil atheists are such a plague on humanity, with their promotion of knowledge and enlightenment, and their preference of scientific discovery over archaic superstitions.
11-15 WT- Drinking before meetings
by Absalom into be holy, we must weigh the scriptures carefully and do what god asks of us.
consider aarons sons nadab and abihu, who were executed for offering unauthorized fire, perhaps while inebriated.
keyser soze
We can now drink before meetings!
I think that goes without saying. How else could a person sit through it?
Thirty problems only a Canadian would understand
by jgnat ini got 29. how many do you get?.
keyser soze
I really though Anne Murray being sold out would make the list.
Scare tactics and manipulation in the Nov 2014 Watchtower . Low down dirty rotten charlatans
by Watchtower-Free inscare tactics and manipulation in the nov 2014 watchtower .. low down dirty rotten charlatans.
keyser soze
"The brothers told me the New System is so close, with the Middle East happening,
Yeah, because unrest in the Middle East is such a recent occurrence
Could it be that Jehovah is punishing me for leaving his religion?
by Julia Orwell ini know it's a completely absurd thing to say, but something happened to me today that triggered the old cult reaction.
my mind instantly lapsed back into that of a jw and for a split second i thought that because i wasn't doing jehovah things that jehovah's blessing had been removed from me and this is why my life seems to be running into so many dead-ends.
as a jw i attributed anything good happening to me to being the result of my being a good jw and dutifully doing everything the borg teaches.
keyser soze
I used to have those moments when I first left. It helps to think about all the things that are wrong with the JW religion- the blood policy, the shunning, the failed prophecies. If God actually exists, this couldn't possibly be his religion.
It also helps to think about people who have it worse than you, or the ten thousand people who died in the Philippines from a hurricane. Was God punishing them, too? What for?
keyser soze
Able- you would not be DFed for just
"pointing that out"-Really? Do you know him personally? Did you sit in on his judicial committee? Pretty arrogant and presumptuous of you.
Said from the platform: "You are not surviving Armaggedon if you are spiritually weak"
by Daniel1555 intoday i was at the meeting (i go there about once a month now).
in the service meeting they had a part where they interviewed the secretary of the congregation.. so one question was: "why are the service reports so important?".
our secretary explained that the reports are important, because the elders can see, who is spiritually weak.
keyser soze
Women do as much of that as men do. Try again.
I agree. And personally, I think getting a stiffy on demand is an attractive quality in a woman.